Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery
MPR2 is a full-service emergency management consulting firm. Applying our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience, we help you build a strong emergency management program. We assist clients with preparedness, team development, regulatory compliance, exercise design and implementation, with an expertise in emergency operation and program development. We are focused on helping clients achieve independent on-going emergency management programs, designed to meet their industry regulatory compliance and to build self-sustaining programs. We believe in a boots-on-the-ground approach, helping your employees prepare at home and at work. By building family and corporate vulnerability assessment plans, response policies and procedures, and exercises for evaluation, we help you achieve a sustainable emergency management program.
Design and implement exercises to evaluate emergency management programs and meet regulatory complience.
Aid in emergency management CMS compliance.
Review and develop emergency management policies and procedures
Design emergency response education, training and exercises for employees and families.
Develop emergency operational continuity plans
Review and develop emergency management policies and procedures
Design and implement emergency response education and training for students and faculty.
Create exercises to evaluate emergency response programs.
Review and develop emergency management policies and procedures
Customized emergency management programs
Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) cross walk development for regulatory compliance
Exercise development and program implementation, meeting Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) qualifications
Continuity of operations & preparation for the unexpected.
MPR2 helps clients create plans and prepare to respond to natural and manmade disasters.
Develops company and institution wide communication plans
Creates coordinated community response plans
Develops emergency management education and training programs
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and FEMA Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP) certified personnel
Customized exercises
Situational Manual (SitMan) -development
Master Scenario Exercise List (MSEL)
Exercise Plan (ExPlan)
Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG)
After-action report and improvement plan documentation
“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.”
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